BERT for Joint Intent Classification and Slot Filling


Feb 28, 2019 We propose a joint intent classification and slot filling model based on BERT. Experimental results demonstrate that our proposed model achieves significant  Pytorch implementation of JointBERT: "BERT for Joint Intent CARA DAFTAR FACEBOOK Classification and Slot Filling" - monologg/JointBERT. Jul 5, 2019 Title:Multi-lingual Intent Detection and Slot Filling in a Joint BERT-based Model Abstract:Intent Detection and Slot Filling are two pillar  BERT-based joint intent detection and slot filling with intent-slot attention mechanism (INTERSPEECH 2021) - VinAIResearch/JointIDSF. This BERT-based model is designed for nobar88 slot bolawins filling tasks in natural language sentences, ideal for extracting specific information in CARA MENGHAPUS AKUN FACEBOOK SECARA PERMANEN applications like chatbots

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